The Tom Smith New Mexico Chapter
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- Meeting and Location -
Our next meeting is Wednesday, January 8th. Member meetings are regularly held on the 2nd. Wednesday of the month, September through June, at:
"Sunnyside Up Cafe"
The room should be available by 1100 and orders placed by 1130 when the meeting is scheduled to begin.
(on Menaul just east of Louisiana, next door to Chili's)
6909 Menaul Boulevard Northeast
Albuquerque, NM 87110
(505) 888-3447
1100: Arrive, Sign in, Order Lunch - 1130: Call To Order - 1300: Adjourn
Robert (Bob) Hull, Principal Engineer, Los Alamos Technical Associates, Inc.
Bob Hull will be presenting on "Hybrid Warfare - Cutting the Cable" - 95 percent of international data passes through about 600
cables spanning about 1.2 million kilometers. These "are the world's information superhighways and provide the high-bandwidth
connections necessary to support the rise of cloud computing and integrated 5G networks, transmitting everything from streaming
videos and financial transactions to diplomatic communications and essential intelligence." Recent events show that these cables
can be surreptitiously cut by "bad actors." Come to this presentation and learn about the world's dependence on cables and what
is being done to make them more secure.
Albuquerque - President: Sam Shaw - Phone: 505-379-3963 e-mail: President@afionm.org
Albuquerque - Vice President: Bob Hull Phone: 505-328-1502 e-mail: Vice-President@afionm.org
Albuquerque - Treasurer: Richard J. Sullivan - Phone: 505-463-0205 e-mail:
Albuquerque - Secretary: In absentia e-mail: Secretary@afionm.org